+33 (0)6 65 72 79 54
Every day from 9:00 to 20:00
Open whole year

Comparison of groups activities in the Gorges du Tarn

To help you make your choice, you will find below a comparison of groups activitiest hat we offer with their main technical features and their price per group.

Comparative - sports activities for groups

DifficultyDuration of the activityNombre de personnes par groupe Price per group
Canoeing coursesDiscovery 3h16 persons per instructor120€
Abseiling in Pas de SoucyDiscovery2h309 persons per instructor270€
Climbing initiationDiscovery2h3010 persons per instructor250€
Discovery cavingDiscovery2h009 persons per instructor270€
Canyoning of sources du TarnDiscovery3 hours8 persons per instructor360€

Localization - sports activities for groups

You can use the map below to calculate your route to your place of your activity. Remember to increase the estimated time by Google about 20%, corresponding to the time lost on our small roads.

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